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  1. This was my first one did my performance changed because I realized that the more patience, I had with my eggs the better they would turnout. taking it slow and having time to properly map out what out would like on the egg makes a huge difference in the final product. my lines were straighter and looked a lot better. My colors were more vibrant and better done because I had patience to wait for my eggs as they were being dyed. the wax was easier to take off when I didn't try to make it go faster even though I knew the process would be slow.

2. When making my eggs it took me awhile to find a design that I liked and wanted to do, I think that if I were to do this again, I would pick a cool design that I liked even if I didn't fully think that I'd be able to pull off the design well enough. pushing myself to improve only makes me better at what I'm doing even if it might take longer to do something more complicated.

3. I should have used more colors for my eggs and expanded more on what colors to use. most of my eggs are similar in color and I think I should have expanded more on that to try out the different colors and experiment with how the colors work and how they dye.

this egg was my traditional egg and the meaning of this egg is

White- purity Yellow- happiness Orange- strength Red- hope. every color on each egg has a meaning and can be used as a gift for someone to help manifest good fortune in their life.

I honestly had no real reason on why I picked these designs for my eggs I just looked on Pinterest and found something I liked.

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